Note to self

Hello my FOMOist blog

I haven’t done this in a while. But then again, I haven’t been upto much, or have I?

A lot has changed in our lives since I last documented our “confession”.

  1.  Mrs FOMOist and I relocated from London to Sunny Brisbane in October 2019.
  2. We are now a proud and happy family unit of three, with a much awaited arrival of Little Miss FOMOist in December 2019.
  3. I started a job in November 2019 and lost it in April 2019.
  4. I apply (with tailored Resume and Cover Letter) for an average of five jobs a day, only to get radio silence.
  5. Mrs FOMOist will be taking one for the team, starting work next week, while I become a full-time DAD.

While I am super excited for my new role that involves spending unlimited time with the second cutest girl I know (Mrs FOMOist clings to her No. 1 spot – for now), I am finding this whole job search business a bit soul-crushing. It’s amazing how much one’s job/career defines one’s self worth.

When we moved to Brisbane, I accepted the job at an organisation that had some serious cultural issues. I was even warned by one of the recruiters against accepting the role. However, the optimist in me rationalised that decision by thinking “it’s a probation period for both me and the company”. Fast-forward six months, the toxic company culture gets the better of me, I quit in the middle of a pandemic induced economic crisis, with no one willing to hire me.

It’s tough, not only for me, but for everyone who is in my position. I still haven’t admitted to anyone that I quit my job, in the middle of a pandemic because I couldn’t take the personal attacks, including unnecessary comments about my family, anymore. It is the right thing to do, but since then I am starting to feel that the “right thing” is not always right.

I am proud of what I have achieved, I am thankful for my little family and I am going to keep trying with a smile on my face that mirrors on my daughter’s face when I look at her.

Thanks for reading 🙂

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